Asus Zenbook Pro Duo and Zenbook Due, launched in India with Dual 4k screen resolution, at starting price Rs 2,09,990 and 89,990 respectively. Asus includes the screen pad plus addition to the laptop. The dual-screen pad system allows us to make multitasking work with greater efficiency in fast time. Intel 10th generation i7 and i9 are powered in Asus ZenBook Duo.
processor -Intel core i7-9750 H processor
2.6 GHz Hexa -core with Turbo setup up to 4.5 GHz and 12 MB cache.
Intel Core i9 - 9980 HK processor
2.4 GHz octa-core with Turbo setup up to 5.0 GHz and 16 MB cache.
Zenbook series is available in the Three variant 8GB/16GB/32GB (2666MHZ).
The screen pad plus display available with 14''4k (3840 x 1100) touch display, and 178-degree wide-view technology. The touchpad supports up to four-finger smart gestures function integrated led backlit keypad. The lithium-ion battery of 70 wh 4 cell/ 8 cell up to 7.5 hours battery life with 65 w - 230 w fast power adapter.